Modifications for the X-10 Appliance Module
Updated: 05/28/03
Disabling Local Control/Current Sensing Momentary Operation Modification Adding Local On/Off Control button Modify Appliance Module for Fluorescent Lights
Disabling Local Control | Momentary operation | Adding Local On/Off Control
WARNING:  Performing these modifications are done at your own risk.  I will not be held liable for any issues that arise from performing such modifications.

Modifications for the AM-486 Appliance Module

I have used these Appliance Modules for many years. In fact, they are one of the first X-10 modules I fiddled around with! Below are a few modification I had collected over the years and others that I devised myself.   Feel free to send me your comments and suggestions.

Modification to disable local control/current sensing

(You can refer to the AM-486 Appliance Module schematic for this modification)

Disassemble the module
Locating the 1N4004 Diode
Snipping top lead of diode to open connection

Modification for momentary operation of the Appliance module

(You can refer to the AM-486 Appliance Module schematic for this modification)

Remove 330K resistor

Adding a push button for local On/Off control

(You can refer to the AM-486 Appliance Module schematic for this modification)

Remove Jumper and add mini push button switch in place of the jumper

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